Social Contribution

The Hokkaido Shimbun Press is in charge of various projects and awards to contribute to the local community. In 1965, the "Hokkaido Shimbun Press Social Welfare Promotional Fund" was established in hopes of enhancing universal well-being in Hokkaido. In 1992, the "Hokkaido Shimbun Wildlife Fund" was created to preserve the remaining nature and wildlife of Hokkaido, to be passed onto future generations. For cultural encouragement, we host the Oi and Ladies Oi Shogi Title Matches, and the Tengen Go Title Match. The Hokkaido Shimbun Press annually presents the Doshin Culture Award, which enacted in 1947, to individuals and groups of achievements in helping further development of Hokkaido in the fields of social, artistic, and economic activities. For literary arts, three awards are set up; the "Doshin Literature Award," "Doshin Tanka and Haiku Awards," and the "Arishima Youth Literature Award." In sports, the "Doshin Mirai Sports Award" and in social welfare, the "Doshin Volunteer Activities Award" are granted every year.

SDGs activities

SDGs and us.

The Hokkaido Shimbun Press has been engaged in an array of actions to actualize a sustainable society since before the term SDGs emerged. And now that the word "sustainability" has become a 21st century keyword, our goal is to continue and expand those actions while also seriously considering the future of Hokkaido from our perspective as a news organization based here. This desire imbues everything we do when engaging in daily information reporting, events, and regional contribution activities.

The corporate slogan we adopted on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of our first issue is, "Building the Future of Hokkaido with You." Hokkaido is a region blessed with bountiful potential, and we are proud to think of ourselves as one member of that community.

We want to create a sustainable Hokkaido together with Hokkaido residents, together with you.

By providing a full bevy of SDGs related news and through our own activities as a company, The Hokkaido Shimbun Press aims for the actualization of a sustainable Hokkaido.

The Hokkaido Shimbun Press participates in the "SDG Media Compact," an initiative that links the UN and major global media sources to contribute to achieving SDGs.

Contributing through news coverage

Starting in 2019, we have been introducing various activities in our newspaper using the special logo "SDGs: Towards a sustainable future."

Protecting nature

Hokkaido Shimbun Wildlife Fund
Established in 1992 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Hokkaido Shimbun. The activities of the Fund are supported by the basic operating fund of 100 million yen from The Hokkaido Shimbun Press and donations from Hokkaido residents and companies.
Zero Carbon Hokkaido Promotion Council
Doshin Bunbun Forest

Supporting the development of sports

Declaration of Support for Sports
In 2017, we conducted a "Declaration of Support for Sports" in commemoration of our 130-year anniversary. In addition to organizing and co-sponsoring approximately 250 sports activities yearly, like the Hokkaido Marathon, we support professional sports teams that are based in the region and electrify the Hokkaido sports world.
Promoting parasports

Supporting the development of culture

Organizing and sponsoring art exhibits
Commendation projects

For children

NIE (Newspaper in Education) Promotion
Doshin Elementary Student Newspaper Grand Prix
Organizes newspaper contests for elementary students in Hokkaido.

Creating a society that is comfortable to live in

Hokkaido Shimbun Social Welfare Promotion Fund
The Fund provides scholarship money for students who commute to high school from single-parent households and foster care facilities. It assists the ongoing activities of organizations with a high-level of care like welfare organizations, volunteer groups, foster parent associations, and suicide hotlines.

Factory activities


Below is a list of the SDGs activities of group company Doshin Sogo Printing Co., Ltd.

Uses vegetable oil in newspaper printing
Uses recycled paper composed of recovered pulp up to 80%
Converted all factory lighting to LED

Corporate Profile
Editorial Principles
Coverage and Reporting
Business & Operations
Social Contribution
Group Companies