Message from the President

Hiro-o Miyaguch

The Hokkaido Shimbun newspaper commemorated its 80th anniversary in 2022. I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate my gratitude for the beloved readership and support from a great many readers and Hokkaido residents since our inception.

Amidst our long history, we have held fast to our core principle of focusing on Hokkaido first and foremost, while also taking care to never forget the global perspective as well.

Our long-running "#ExaminingNorthernTerritories" campaign centering on "the lost discourse on the return of the four islands," which followed the behind-the-scenes situations in the Northern Territories negotiations from the second Shinzo Abe administration onward, was selected for the 2022 Shinbun Kyokai Prize. I believe the vision of what we strive to do is most concentrated in that work of cutting head-on into the policy-making process for both Japan and Russia, advanced by the central team of three journalists successively stationed in Moscow, including staff with experience working at our Nemuro Branch.

On the occasion of our 80th anniversary, we adopted the corporate slogan, "Building the Future of Hokkaido with You." Hokkaido is a community overflowing with diverse potential, and we see ourselves as one member of that community. Moving forward, we will continue to strive ever harder in providing information and services that are useful to the people living in this region. In order to build a prosperous future, we will apply our full mental resources to regional issues and work hard together with you. Our goal is to employ our unique information proliferation abilities and harness a wide range of services and coverage, including advertising and sports and culture events, to continue being a media company needed by the public.

In addition to strengthening the power of the traditional paper medium even further, we also have to continually expand our potential in the new world of digital services. With the target of providing "accessible media" that transcends regions and generations, and touches the hearts of ever more readers, we are determined to advance strongly to the next 90-year mark, and 100-year mark.

Hiro-o Miyaguchi, Representative Director and President,
The Hokkaido Shimbun Press

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